
What should *really* be on your Christmas list


Christmas is magical. It’s a time for family and love, snow and hot chocolate. But it’s also easy to get caught up in buying, spending and obsessing over your wish list. We all love to give and receive gifts, but here are the things that should *really* be #1 on your list. Lucky for you, they don't cost a penny.

1. Family time

Stop scrolling through (one. more. gift set.) and ask your family to spend some time together. Pop some popcorn, add some festive M&M's and then chill out together with your favorite sweet, zany or otherwise classic holiday movie. They might make you crazy from time-to-time, but family is the best present of all.

2. Sleep

Rest and recharge, so that you can be your best during exams and all things holiday-related (which, we know, can get a little stressful). One way to make more minutes for snoozing? Putting your phone on airplane mode while you're doing your homework. Unitasking, babe.

3. Hydration

The more water the better! Drinking more H20 will make your skin glow and make you less likely to reach for a third cookie. That'll mean more energy, too, which is a serious bonus.

4. Healthy meals

Give your body the present of good nutrition. The plan is simpler than it seems. Wake up and have a great breakfast, like some hearty oatmeal or avocado toast. Pack a non-sugary yogurt and some fruit alongside your lunch. For dinner? Just have reasonable portions of whatever your family is serving, and make sure to double up on the veggies. Your body will thank you in the morning (think: no wake-up tummy aches).

5. Smiles

The more you give, the more you get. Who knows? Your bright grin might make someone's day.


6. Strength

It's super tempting to skip your workout in favor of, well, anything else. But exercising now will nix your stress and help you end the year on the right note. Open up YouTube and load your favorite workout, then push yourself to sweat it out for 20-30 minutes.

7. New friends

Now's the perfect moment to expand your circle. Chat up someone you don't really know at your student council's holiday party or get in touch with that friend you've been meaning to call for ages.  

8. A positive attitude

Being positive is one sure-fire way to make sure you’re happy. Enjoy it all (even the wacky stuff), because this only comes once a year.

So...what are you doing to brighten your own holidays? Let us know in the comments below.... 


by Christina Mattera | 2/1/2016