Dear Carol

Dear Carol: I defended my BFF and now she hates me

My best friend has been acting really hateful because I sent this guy a harsh text because he cheated on her and broke her heart. I thought she’d be glad to know that she had someone who would take up for her, but boy was I wrong. I texted her the message I sent to him and she got mad at me.

Dear Frenemies,

Going forward, do not jump into the middle of other people’s love lives. Sending harsh messages is nearly always a bad idea, and writing to someone’s ex BF publicly or privately is out of line. Although you wanted to defend your friend, you may have unintentionally made things worse or drawn out bad feelings. Your BFF’s broken heart will mend. Will your friendship? I hope so. Apologize again, tell her you meant well but realize you should not have written her ex, then hope she forgives you. Time is on your side.
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by Carol Weston | 2/1/2016