Your Bod

My throat's all phlegm-y!

I get this really gross phlegm in the back of my throat. I constantly have to clear it. This is really affecting the way I sing and talk.
Ugh, we hear ya loud and…clear that phlegm. Dr. Mandell says nasal allergies, sinus infections or even a common cold can cause excess mucus to drain from the back of the nose and drip down to the throat. Otherwise, it could be one of many things: tonsillitis, adenoiditis or something called GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) in which stomach acid can reach the throat, but you’ll need a test for that. Or it could be something as simple as dehydration causing thick secretions in the throat. Drink lots of water, and see if that helps. If it doesn’t, you need an appointment with a doc who specializes in otolaryngology.

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by Amanda Forr | 2/1/2016