Your Bod

What's up with my greasy hair?

My hair has always been healthy, but now since I got older I guess it got greasy. Why?
Don’t worry, chica. Greasy hair is completely normal. It’s possible that your hair is now greasy because you’re getting older, and your body is producing more hormones. These hormones are making your glands produce more oils, which in turn can make your hair look and feel greasy.

If you’re trying to cut the oil slick, consider your shower routine. If you’re scrubbing your hair every night, you might want to change it up to every other day. Washing your hair to frequently can encourage the sebaceous glands on your scalp to produce even more oil. Another factor? Your conditioner. Ditch leave-ins that can make your hair limp and oily and try conditioning only the ends. A tea tree oil-based conditioner could also help ya get rid of the grease.


Good luck, girlie!

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by Katelyn Lester | 2/1/2016