
Pump(kin) up your weekend workout


Picked an extra pumpkin at the patch? Put it to work with this awesome weeked workout and *squash* all those "is-my-costume-too-tight?" insecurities!


1. Pumpkin lunge, 15 reps

- Stand straight up, with your pumpkin in your hands.

- Lunge with your left leg, while lifting the pumpkin straight in front of you. Do the same with the right side, keeping your knees, hips and shoulders forward. Repeat.

2. Pumpkin chest press, 10 reps

•  - Lie on your back with your arms parallel to the floor and bent at the elbows, holding your pumpkin above your chest.

•  - Push your arms up slowly with the pumpkin and lower it slowly back to your chest. Repeat.


3. Pumpkin push-up, 10-15 reps

- Get into normal push-up form, but instead of setting your hands on the ground, place them on top of your pumpkin. The bigger the pumpkin, the higher up you’ll be, so for a more challenging version, get a smaller pumpkin.

- Bend your elbows and lower your chest towards the pumpkin—be careful not to poke yourself with the stem!—and push back up. Repeat.


4. Pumpkin swing, 15 reps

Note: Make sure nothing is behind you when doing this move.

- Put your feet shoulder width apart and hold the pumpkin in your hands.

•  - Squat, and let the pumpkin swing through the space between your legs.

- Swing the pumpkin back up so that your arms are at shoulder level. Repeat.

5. Pumpkin Russian twist

• -  Begin by sitting down with your legs in front of you, and holding the pumpkin in your lap.

• -  Bend your knees and feet so that they are about several inches above the ground and lean back slightly, keeping your back straight.

• -  Slowly twist your body from left to right while holding the pumpkin. Repeat.

Will you try the pumpkin workout? What's your favorite crazy exercise? Let us know below!

by Alexa Matthews | 2/1/2016