Get a ballet bod with these prima-approved moves
For prima posture...
"Any time you pull in with the abs, push down with the shoulders and lift through the spine you are working to build [good] posture, even at your desk!" See the difference by experimenting during downtime when you're seated or standing. Go from a standard slouch to upright and supportive, then release. Keep doing it, and reminding yourself to do it, and it will come naturally.
For a killer booty
One basic move will get ya well on your way: "If you get started down on your hands and knees and extend one leg to the back for a series of lifts, this is a good start!"
And those legs...
Mary Helen is all about emphasising the inner and back of the thighs rather than the quads. Start with a standing side kick: Begin with your feet staggered, one behind the other, than reach out with your back leg to the side and sligthly to the front in a controlled kick. Point those toes, and lower your leg back to the starting position. To add a bit more ab work to the move, draw your back leg out, to the side and front, then bend your knee and cross slightly over your body and return. For more legwork ideas, check out the trailer to one of Ballet Beautiful's streaming workouts, below:
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POSTED IN dance workouts, ballet