Quick pre-tryout tone-ups to do, um, now!
Quick sprints
Chances are, your try-outs are going to require you to book it. Practice ahead of time by heading to a nearby track and working on improving your 50m sprint time. Ask a friend or family member to time you with a stop watch--and hey, if they're working on something for BTS, return the favor!
Back and forth
Having quick feet will only help ya when you hit the field. Set up cones or other objects in tight formations, and move through them laterally as quickly as you can.
Push it
Grab a ball and find a wall or a partner. Bring the ball to your chest and then throw it straight out. Grab it when it bounces back, or catch when your partner tosses is back your way. This'll tone up your arms, shoulders and chest, makin' ya look fierce, and giving your upper body a boost of strength.
Jump on it
Snag a jump rope and start bouncing your way to success. Minute by minute, increase the time you can jump, without bouncing on your toes or catching the rope. Hello, easy cardio and major endurance!
Sit the plank
Yes, wall sits stink. But ya know what? They are also ridiculously effective at strengthening your muscles in a snap. Keep your back straight but loose, your knees at a 90-degree angle and your mind on happy thoughts.
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POSTED IN get fit fast, Rock try-outs