1. Are you tall, short, or average? Average. 2. Are you pleasantly plump, skinny or average? Average. 3. Do you have blue, brown, green or hazel eyes? Green. 4. You favorite color is? Green, yellow, orange. 5. Your dream place...
Choose one friend that you know a lot about: 1. What's your friend's name? Emily 2. When was the last time you've seen your friend cry? I think last year. 3. When was the last time the two of...
What color do you have on your toes? Neon pink! When’s the last time you got a mani/pedi? Middle of the school year What color is your hair? Blonde What does it look like? Wavy, shoulder length What color are your eyes...
Do you have a crush? YEAH! If so, what's his name? Josh Have you ever had a boyfriend? Yes! Most numer of crushes you've had at one time? Maybe 4 Cutest boy you've ever seen? Josh Houdek Do you flirt...
What is your favorite shape?What is your favorite color?What is your favorite holiday?What is your favorite season?What is your favorite t.v show?What is your favorite number?What traits would be your dream guy?Do you like your name? If not, what would...
Do you have a crush or a boyfriend? Crush What's he like? Amazing, silly, funny, loving, beautiful, sweet. What does he look like? Blond, blue-eyed, short, adorable. Does he like you? I think so, he flirts with me constantly. Is he...
Do you have a boyfriend? What's his full name? What's your fave cereal? What's your fave song? Most embarrassing moment? Fave shampoo? Fave bath an body works smell? Who do u think is the hottest guy on earth? Fave band? Fave...
1.) Hot Topic or Abercrombie and Fitch? 2.) Favorite Book or Book Series? 3.) Reality or Fantasy? 4.) Phone or Text messenger? 5.) Do you have a boyfriend? 6.) Pizza or PB+J? 7.) Scary Movies or Funny Movies? 8.)...
Do *you* have what it takes to be a model?
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Design your dream house and we'll give you a Barbie movie to watch
What's your next crush move?
Design your dream Valentine's Day outfit and get a romance novel to read