How Do I Meet Guys?
Please help! I really want a BF but I go to an all girls school, my parents want me to go to all girl’s camps and I don’t really know too many guys.
I can’t really do that “at the mall thing” and I don't really socialize with people that aren’t my friends. How do I meet people?
- thecliqueseriesfanatic'
I went to an all-girls school, too, so I know how difficult it is to meet guys. One of the best ways to find dudes is to meet them through people you already know. Maybe your friend has a cute cousin or neighbor, or maybe YOU have some hotties in your 'hood.
You and your friends could do movie nights or parties where you each invite one guy you know. Everyone will get to know each other better, and there might be guys that start to hang out with your group of friends regularly. Also, think about doing some non-school activities: maybe a karate or swim class, a book club at the library, volunteering, or getting a part-time job (if you’re over 14). There will be at least one boy at whatever activity you choose. Then, start talking to the guy(s). You can ask how long he’s done karate, what books he likes, if he’s seen any good movies lately, etc. Once you get to know each other, you’ll be able to arrange a date. Good luck!
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