
Peeking while pecking? Why your guy's eyes were open when you kissed

What does it mean when a guy’s eyes were open while you’re kissing him? I was making out with my crush and when I opened my eyes, he was looking at me. Does that mean he likes me or was he bored? I’m so confused!

If boys weren’t confusing us, then they wouldn’t be doing their jobs, so don’t worry if you feel a little frazzled. This puzzling practice of him kissing you with his eyes open can mean a number of things. But for one thing, if he was actually bored, he would be looking anywhere else but you, so we can rule out that option.

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I’m not sure how experienced he is, but perhaps he was just nervous. He could have been taking a quick peek to make sure your eyes were closed too and that you were into him. Sometimes guys just need that reassurance for an extra boost of confidence. Keeping that in mind, guys tend to be a li’l territorial meaning that he likes to know you’re his. By stealing a glance or two you, its his way of feeding that manly ego that he has you at that moment. Guys like signs like that, blame genetics.

And lastly, every guy is different and so is their smooching style. If he’s a peeker, and a keeper, it may just be something you have to get used to as his way of showing he’s into you.

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by Jenn Shelton | 6/19/2019