
You + Your Crush = Ultimate Chemistry

He’s adorable, but step closer, there’s more to him than that. Once you get to know a guy it becomes pretty obvi what you do (and don’t) have in common. Here are 10 deal-makers—and deal-breakers—to help you decide if that cutie’s worth your time.

Green Light

1 Interests It’s always good to share some. Dates are more fun, and you’ll always have something to talk about.

2 Funny A good sense of humor is waaay charming. Also, confidence alert!

3 Unique POV A guy needs a mind of his own. When you agree on everything conversations get bo-ring.

4 Kind Is he sweet to everyone or just to you? Finding out will save you time and heartache.

5 Honest Def the most important. If he’s always truthful then he genuinely respects you.

Red Light

1 Hygiene Though easily remedied, if he can’t say hello to deodorant, it’s time to say goodbye.

2 Selfish If you’re changing yourself to make him happy, or even if you’re hanging out with his friends more than he does with yours, he’s not worth it.

3 Immature If it’s embarrassing to be around him you don’t want his arm around you.

4 Clingy You’re his whole world? Too cute! Maybe…at first.

5 Unavailable He’s got a GF. Nuff said.

Any one of these factors aren’t enough to make or break a guy. Get to know him before you commit to that crush. Also we’ve got news, these rules aren’t gender specific. They’re also what guys look for in a GF.


by Helen Seachrist | 2/1/2016