You Wrote It

Read this honest poem: The New Kid

I gather my books, feel the stares as I pass.
I head out the door, in search of somewhere else
I feel like I don't belong.
I don't belong 

Wary smiles follow me around
Glowing ones land on the others
I feel like I don't belong.
I don't belong 

When I see people laughing
Greeting each other as friends
I feel like I don't belong.
I really don't belong 

I pass you in the corridors
Slouching, hoping not to be seen
I feel like you don't belong.
Do you? 

I see my friends, they welcome me
I sit back and enjoy my life
I feel like I belong.
I belong.

Have you ever been the new kid? What was your experience like? Share in the comments.


by GL Reader | 9/26/2018