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Carson Lueders "Bae Back" music video is straight fire


Just this past week, Carson Lueders released his official music video to his catchy song "Bae Back". This 15-year old pop artist is surely going to melt your heart with his sweet vocals and boss dance moves, singing about getting his girl—or should we say bae, back. The video even includes clips of Carson and his friends riding around on not only roller skates, but hoverboards. Way cool.

In the video it reinforces the theme of the song, that Carson messed up the relationship and will do anything it takes to get his bae back. The lyrics point directly to Carson's downfall—how he took his girl for granted, acted like he didn't care and didn't treat her fair. Now he misses their friendship and says that he promises to renew what happened.

The vid already has hit over 100,000 views, with some saying it resembles the video for "Baby" by Justin Bieber. Fans have definitely been waiting patiently for its release, and now that its out, we're absolutely ecstatic. (Although, some people do think the girl in the video should be Jordyn Jones, Carson's best friend who was also featured in his song "Take Over" released in 2015.)

You can find "Bae Back" on iTunes, and be sure to check out some more of Carson's on his YouTube page.

What do you think of the video GL girls? Comment down below! 

Photo credit: Instagram.


by Cecelia Yost | 10/2/2016