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Feel Good Friday: These #DadDos will make your day

After a long week of homework and cold weather, this adorable videos are just what we need. In a new line of commercials from Pantene, three NFL players team up with their daughters to present four #DadDos—aka Dad hair-dos.

The vids show the Pittsburgh Steelers' DeAngelo Williams, the New Orleans Saints' Benjamin Watson and the Dallas Cowboys' Jason Witten as they attempt to style their daughters' hair.

While these dads definitely aren't pros—at least not when it comes to putting together the perfect pony—they still manage to rock pigtails, braids and a "princess" puff. Even better? It's clear these daddy-daughter duos are having fun doing it. Check them out.

At the end of each vid, the screen reads, “Girls who spend time with their dads grow up to be stronger women,” tying into the Pantene "strong is beautiful" slogan—which is definitely a saying we can get behind!

Did you ever let your dad do your hair? Was it a #DadDo or more of a #DadDon't? How have you been spending quality time with your fam lately? Weigh in below in the comments.

Photo credit: Pantene


by Alexa Matthews | 2/5/2016