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Celebrate Twilight's anniversary with our top 5 favorite moments

And you thought Twilight was done! Cue Twilight Forever: The Complete Saga coming out on DVD and Blu-Ray tomorrow, Nov. 5. This amazing collection will feature all five movies and over two hours of exclusive content, making it one box set that shouldn’t be missed.

With the collection’s release, it inspired us to think back and reminisce on our top five favorite moments from the saga that first blew up the box office five years ago. Step back in time, Twihards, and re-live those memories with us by reading on.


Sneak a peek at Twilight Forever: The Complete Saga below…

What’s your favorite Twilight memory? Share in the comments below.



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    5. The Vampire Baseball Game

    Who can forget the super cool scene in which the Cullens and Bella played an epic—and intense—game of baseball. This one definitely made us go gaga over the fam’s insane powers.

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    4. Edward and Bella’s First Kiss

    One of the most powerful moments in the Twilight Saga, we got to see the lovebirds’ chemistry intertwine at last and Edward resist going after Bella’s sweet blood was phenomenally done. Filled with raw emotion, this scene will surely not lose impact.

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    3. Edward and Bella’s Wedding

    What a magical moment! In contrast to the typical dreary scenes in most of the films, we got to see a beautiful union take place with our fave couple. Bella was glowing in a gorgeous white dress and Edward looked so dapper in his tux. No joke, seeing Edward and Bella make their way down the aisle def brought some tears to our eyes.

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    2. Meeting Renesmee

    Never will we forget meeting the angelic looking Renesmee. Bella gave birth to her beautiful daughter with Edward, and it breathed a sense of life back into the movie. And then when the hunky Jacob imprinted on her, everything was kicked up a notch.

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    1. Bella Gets Turned into a Vampire

    Throughout the series, we felt like we were always on edge about when—or if—Bella would finally be transformed into Edward’s kind. And alas, dying on a bloody table after giving birth to her daughter, it happened. Edward had to make the bold decision to bite into her in a last-ditch effort to save her life. And for several seconds we are left waiting. But then, Bella’s eyes flash open and reveal blood red pupils. Unforgettable.


by Alyson Katz | 2/1/2016