Must List

Your new app addiction: M*A*S*H it!

When you're bored in homeroom and someone has a pen and a piece of paper, there are no limits to the addictive games you can play. Dots. Hangman. And, my favorite, M*A*S*H. From the totally plausible (you, 2.5 kids, picket fence, your BF) to the, um, probably-not-gonna-happen (you, Josh Hutcherson, a mansion on the moon), M*A*S*H is really one of the best ways to fritter away the day.

And guess what? You can get it on your phone. Suh. Weet.

Download the M*A*S*H app for free on just about any device ya have and swirl your way to a hopefully rosy future. And hey, even if ya end up in a shack with the stinky kid you always get paired up with in gym class, you'll know it's all fun 'n' games...and there's always another mash-up waiting around the corner.

Have fun--just don't forget to do your homework, OK? We really don't want Mom and Dad to start writing angry letters about your new digital M*A*S*H addiction...


by Brittany Taylor | 2/1/2016