
What is the #FreeBritney Movement?


Are you wondering what all this buzz about #FreeBritney is? We've got you covered. The #FreeBritney movement started in 2009 by concerned and dedicated fans who saw issues with her conservatorship. You may be asking what is a conservatorship? A conservatorship is when a guardian or protector is selected to essentially have control over a person's finances and personal life due to mental or physical limitations. Britney's father, James Spears, is her conservator. However, Britney has expressed many times she does not want her father to be part of her life.

Fans have created the #FreeBritney movement in efforts to free her of this conservatorship and let her have control over her life and legacy. Britney has proved she is capable of controlling her own life, however due to the media portraying her in a particular light, society has viewed her as mentally unstable for years. This also shows that Hollywood and the media thrives on a system that perpetuates misogyny because Britney is fully capable of controlling her own life yet because she is a woman she is seen as weak. 

Britney is an icon and was loved by the world at the start of her career, but when she was struggling the most, the world turned against her. She was going through mental health issues and the paparazzi continued to invade her personal life and made her seem unstable. This started the works of the conservatorship and wit is still happening today.

Thanks to the tireless work of her fans, the #FreeBritney movement is forcing the world to pay attention. They have supported her from the beginning and won't stop until she's free. For more resources and information check out the links below. 

Where to watch the Britney Spears documentary:

Podcast about Britney Spears' instagram: Britney's Gram

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by Lily Baker | 2/21/2021