
How to make family New Year's resolutions


You've probably set a few goals for yourself for the coming year, and that's great. But you can also set a few goals with your fam, too. It sounds a little weird, and maybe a little cheesy but it's *so* worth it. It'll be great bonding and hopefully bring you all a little bit closer in 2017. Below are our tips for making family rezzies this year that'll actually stick.

Hold each other accountable. Whatever resolution you come up with is for *everyone*. That means if you see your little bro slacking off, speak up. And vice versa! You can't be offended if your mom gets on you for not holding up your end.

Check in often. Don't just set it and forget it. Instead, keep track of how you all are doing somewhere where everyone can see it. For example, put a calendar on the refrigerator to record your success or write on the chalkboard in the laundry room. Seeing your progress everyday will help every family member stay on track. 

Reward yourself. Having something to look forward to is a *great* motivator. Say that if you all achieve whatever goal you set, that you'll go on an extra special trip next spring break together (like, uh, Disney World anyone?!) or get a new Xbox for the family room. 

Not sure what to set as your fam's rezzie? Try one of the following ideas: 

- Having dinner together twice a week. 
- Exercising more as a family.
- Trying two new activities together (like laser tag or hiking a new spot) every month.
- Not calling each other bad names, even when you're upset.
- Taking turns on who does the dishes and takes out the trash each night.
- Sign up to volunteer together in your community.

Have you ever made a family New Year's resolution? Share in the comments! 

Photo credit: Buzzfeed.


by Amanda Tarlton | 1/1/2017