
Have a better family dinner tonight with these tips


Dreading family dinner every night? We get that listening to your parents talk about work can be boring when all you want to do after a long day at school is watch Netflix and chill. Sometimes though it’s the only time all day that you really get to have a conversation with your family. Here’s some ways to make your family dinner less of a chore and way more fun for everyone. 

Elaborate on the details of your day. When your mom or dad ask you how school was, it's tempting to reply with a simple “fine” and then focus on your meal. However, your parents are genuinely interested in what you did so give them the deets. Now’s the time to brag about the A you got on your math test or tell them about the funny thing that happened at lunch. It will make dinner much more interesting for both you and your family. 

Ask everyone how their day was. Once you’re done telling your story, make sure you give everyone else the opportunity to talk about their day. Act interested even if you’re not and even ask a few questions. Your parents will like telling you about what they do or appreciate that you’re interested in your siblings' lives.  

Play a game. There’s only so much that everyone can say about their day until the conversation dies down. One of the best tricks to make dinner more fun is to play a game. For example, play the letter game. Everyone agrees on a topic like fruit, then you go around the table and name a fruit that starts with their letter of the alphabet. Dad may say, Apple, and then you might say, Banana, and it continues around the table.

Remember you won't always have this special time. You’re not going to be living under your parents’ roof for your entire life. Soon you will move out and maybe go off to college, and then the only family dinner you’ll be having with them is on Thanksgiving. Make sure you cherish the time you have with your family now while you get to see them every day.

What’s your favorite memory from around the dinner table? Do you play any games? Let us know in the comments!


by Maddie Smith | 9/9/2016