Dear Carol
I'm a slob...but I hate my messy room. Help!
Dear Carol,
I hate cleaning my room. But I hate how messy it gets. Help!
-Sloppy Slob
Dear Sloppy Slob,
I hear you loud and clear. My office gets beyond the beyond, and while I don’t like it that way, I don’t like cleaning up either. One day I had an epiphany. I realized that I should focus on how happy I’d be once the job was done (rather than on how I didn’t waaant to do the job). I blasted some music, set a kitchen timer and just start tackling the piles. Most of us don’t love to exercise, organize, economize or slim down a size, but we feel great when we reach our goals. So focus on the end result, then roll up your sleeves. Start small: maybe one drawer? Or those clothes in the corner?
For more on Carol Weston, visit her website: or like her Facebook page. To order Carol's newest book, Speed of Life, click here.
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POSTED IN clean your room fast, get organized now, advice from Carol Weston, LIFE, Dear Carol