
Recreate your favorite lunch time dish: French bread pizza

French bread pizza is a cafeteria classic. But we've discovered the secret to making it even better than the caf, so if you’re ever missing the savory dish on the weekend or during summer, we’ve got the perfect fix for you.

Here is a simple recipe for french bread pizza that you can easily customize.

+6 Sub Rolls
+A jar of pizza, pasta, marinara, or tomato sauce
+Your favorite shredded cheese (mozzarella or parmesan work best)
+Toppings of your choice (pepperoni, onions, peppers, chicken, sausage, etc.)

1. Preheat the oven to 400°F. Once warm, place the sub halfs in the oven for 5 minutes.
2. Take the bread out and place a layer of sauce on top.
3. Now add a layer of cheese, make sure to cover all the sauce.
4. Add your toppings. Go crazy with your favorite flavors, or just enjoy cheese.
5. Put your pizza back in the oven and let it cook at 400°F for 8-15 minutes or until the cheese is golden brown and bubbling.
6. Take the pizza out with your parent's help, and enjoy!

What was your favorite lunch time meal? Tell us in the comments!


by India Afriyie | 4/6/2018