
How to get over the crush that crushed you

We’ve all been there: Wallowing in sadness with a touch of self-pity as we try to get over that bae who never actually became a bae. Like the cutie from class you were crushing on from afar who started dating someone new yesterday. Or the sweetie on your soccer team who wouldn't stop gabbing about their S/O at practice. Maybe it was that BFF of yours who has never seen you as anything more than a friend—ugh! No matter who it is, your entire world probably came crashing right down when you found out you two would never be a "we."

Here's the deal: Being upset about this sitch is perfectly okay. Just because you two were never official, that doesn't mean you shouldn't allow yourself time to freak when things fizzle. In fact, we encourage it. And here are a few things to remember as you're working through your strange and sad feelings.

1. You’re not alone.

Ask your mom, bestie, cousin or even your fellow GL girls and they'll all tell you the same thing: Everybody has been here before. It's an awful place to be but if you look around, you’ll see that you're surrounded by people who are happy to support you and talk you through this iffy time.

2. You shouldn't feel bad for liking someone

Having feelings is not something anyone should feel sorry about. You’re a caring, kind person so of course you’re going to like a lot of people in your life. If just *one* of those people doesn't like you back, that's NBD in the grand scheme of things.

3. This person is not too good for you.

Just because someone doesn’t like you back doesn’t mean they're "better than you." Think about how silly that is! How can anyone be "too good" for another person? You are beautiful on the inside and out, so thinking someone could be out of your league is just silly. 

4. Some things just aren’t meant to be.

In the end, it's possible that this disconnection has nothing to do with you. Your crush may just be too distracted by school and life to even consider having feelings for a wonderful girl like you. Some paths just aren’t meant to cross, and you shouldn’t let this person keep you down for that reason.

5. You are amazing.

Your confidence levels are probably pretty low right now, huh? We get it, but here's the deal: You are a fab person that anyone would be lucky to be with. Got it? If you don't take our word for it, make sure to surround yourself with people who love you. They’ll be sure to tell you over and over how awesome you are. With your friends at your side, you’ll feel stronger and more confident, and you’ll forget all about the crush you crushed you.

Ever crushed on someone who didn’t crush back? Tell us about it in the comments!

by Amy Garcia | 9/12/2016