
"Help! I'm really shy in front of boys."

Whenever I’m around boys, I become really shy and can't talk...and when I do talk, I say stupid things. What can I do?
Dear Shy Gal,
For now, I doubt that whatever you say seems stupid to anyone else, so don’t be so hard on yourself. If you anticipate feeling shy in the lunchroom or at a party, think ahead about topics of conversation or questions to ask. Notice what you talk about with your friends (teachers, pets, homework, television, music, sports, books, camps, vacations, weekends, boys, and clothes) and discuss the same stuff with the opposite sex (maybe leaving out the boys and clothes). You can also compliment a guy on his shirt or ask how he got that little scar. Sounds simple, but it can be a big step!
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To order Carol's booksAva and PipGirltalk, and the Melanie Martin series, visit your indie bookstore or click here.


by Carol Weston | 2/1/2016