
7 signs he's a total player


He's handsome. He's charming. He's mysterious.

He's probably a player.

We know, we know...the heart wants what it wants and all that. But you deserve to be treated like a queen, and if the dude you're digging is seriously sketchy, it might be time to evaluate the situation. Read on for the seven signs he's totally playing you.

1. He won't tell anyone you guys are together.

He should be *proud* to be with you, so if it seems like he's trying to keep you a big secret, something is probably up—and you're probably not his only DL lady. Even if it's just due to his super strict parents, do you really want to be a source of shame or anxiety? Didn't think so.

2. He calls you by the wrong name.

A one-time slip-up is fine, especially if the name in question is a mutual friend. But if he's constantly calling you "Kate" when your name is "Kim," he just might have another similar-sounding sweetie by his side.  

3. He’s super secretive about his plans.

He doesn't have to tell you where he's going to be every minute (obviously), but if he always gets weird when you ask him about his weekend plans or only hangs out with you every third Tuesday, he's probably hiding something.

4. He’s been a player in the past.

This is a little bit of a controversial one. Guys *can* change (and it's awesome when they do!), but if he has a history of player-like behavior and is acting a fool, don't convince yourself that it's different this time. It probably isn't.

5. He’s always on his phone.

Some dudes are just tech addicts, but if he's constantly Snapping other girls or relentlessly texting, you might need to worry. Sure, he could just be social, but if he's not paying attention to you while you're together, he doesn't deserve *your* attention.

6. He doesn’t care about meeting your family or friends.

Nervousness is one thing, but guys who truly like you will know how important it is to connect with the number ones in your life. If he only ever wants to hang out alone, that's weird.


7. He never takes you on dates.

We're not talking expensive dates (because some guys just can't afford it), but if he never takes you out in public, there's probably a reason.  


Have you ever had to deal with a player? What did you do? Let us know below.  


by Alexa Matthews | 2/1/2016