
How to turn him down without breaking his heart

This kinda geeky guy is obsessed with me. He gives me compliments and presents, and tells me how much I mean to him. It’s flattering but sort of creepy. I don’t like him, but I don’t want to hurt his feelings.

Dear Someone Get This Guy A Hobby,

I admire you for not wanting to hurt him, but your feelings are important too. If you think you’re being stalked, tell an adult. But if his attentions are more bothersome than threatening, be a little less friendly and avoid running into him. He offers you another gift? Say, “I don’t feel comfortable accepting this because I don’t want to give you the wrong idea.” Be sure you aren’t giving him confusing signals. It might ultimately be kinder to act lukewarm or aloof rather than polite and friendly. Age-old trick: Tell him about a new crush or boyfriend.
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by Carol Weston | 2/1/2016