
So you went on a date last night. Today too soon to text?

So you finally went out on a date with your crush last night. You talked, you laughed, and it ended it with the old “We should do this again sometime.” You went to sleep totally over-the-moon...and woke up a nervous wreck to zero new messages. Obviously, girl power is at an all-time high, and you *should* be able to just fire off a text if you're sure everything was fantastic...but what if it's not the whole "the guy texts first" thing that's stopping you (or it's not a guy at all)? Don't drive yourself crazy.

1.) Evaluate the date. 

And no, this doesn’t mean analyzing every second of the date...though you'll probably do that anyway. Try to see, objectively, if things went well. If it wasn't so great, you might want to hold off. If it was a total 10/10 and he or she hasn’t contacted you, it could be because they really like you. Yeah, it doesn't make much sense, but that's the nature of dating.

2.) Give it a little time.

If you're sitting there waiting to contact them because you don't want to seem overeager, consider the possibility that they're doing the same. Maybe they're shy, or don't want to freak you out, or even would just prefer to talk to you in person. If you can, give it a day. If you can't? Well...

3.) Just text them.

You clearly want to. There’s nothing wrong with sending a text expressing how much fun you had or bringing up something you joked about on your date. If they respond in a positive way, this is most likely a good sign. If they ignore it, whatever—there are plenty of more communicative fish in the sea. 

Whatever you decide to do, remember to stay positive and to not let it get you down. All relationships are different and some move way faster than others. Know your worth, but don’t expect too much after a first date and try not to rush it. You’re still getting to know each other, and that’s totally okay! 


Image credit: Us Weekly

Do you text after a first date? How would you start a next-day convo? Let us know!  


by Abigail Kullberg | 2/1/2016