
What your crush's snapchat *really* means

As if trying to understand your crush's text wasn't impossible enough. When it comes to Snaps, it can be hard to deciper whether he's just being friendly or if he's totally into you—especially because you can't see who else he's sending that selfie to. Ahead, we've broken down some of the most common Snaps below. Check it out: 

A Classic “Hey” 


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Whether it’s a “hey” or a “'sup” or even a “howdy”, a simple hello message can be a great conversation starter with your crush. Don’t start planning the wedding yet, though, because you never know who else he's hitting up.

An Elaborate Drawing


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This is a tough one. On the one hand, Picasso might be trying to grab your attention and make you LOL with his humor and artistic talent. On the other, something this elaborate is almost definitely not for your eyes only. Snap him back a witty response and see where it goes! 

An Inside Joke 


If you two are always joking about one particular thing (like your love for Mickey D's) and he Snaps you about it, that's a great sign—it means he's thinking of you. Continue to flirt it up!

Another Girl 


If the selfie he sends you has another babe in it, he wants you to know he’s hanging with another gal. Take this as a sign that you two aren’t meant to be.  Even if he’s just trying to make you jealous, guys who play mind games aren’t worth your time. 

Bonus tip: Decoding his snaps is a little easier with the help of the app's new emoji system. Got a golden heart? You're in!  


Do you ever Snapchat your crush? What's your version of Snap-flirting?  

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by Kelsie Ahern | 2/1/2016