
Should you *really* get back with him?


So, you and your BF broke up a couple of months ago...but it doesn't seem to be over. Maybe you dated other people and things fizzled out quickly, or he texted you out of the blue saying he wants to hang out and that he misses you and the way things used to be—oh, and turns out he's back in town for the summer. You miss him too, but you can't decide if it would be magical or miserable to get back together. What do you do?

Head vs. heart

Your heart may be screaming "heck yes," but you definitely need some time to think about what this reconnection could mean for the both of you (hello, it's your heart on the line). Is he just trying to be with you short-term? Or is it going to be a make-it-work-no-matter-what kind of thing? Figure out his motives before you jump back into something serious.

Rhyme vs. reason

You might still be hurting from when you two broke up before, and maybe even a little jealous of the life he lived after you. But now is the time to sort all of that out. If you two can talk to each other honestly about everything that has happened and still want to give it another try, then go for it. But if he doesn't want to talk about how he feels or think about your future together, then you should run for the hills. Bonus tip: Having this convo in person is very important—you need to be able read the expression on his face, not just words on a screen.

Alone vs. lonely

Are you single and ready to mingle, or are you just single? There's a huge difference between being lonely and being alone, and being lonely can often push you into relationships you're not really ready for. Think about why you broke up in the first place, then decide—is it really what's best for both of you? When it comes down to it, that's the only answer that matters.


Have you ever reconnected with an ex? Was it a good idea or a bad one? Let us know below.  


by Anna-Maria Hand | 2/1/2016