
6 dudes spill on the first time they said "I love you"


Nothing is cuter or more romantic than the first time your guy says “I love you.” You’ll replay the moment over and over in your head, tell the story to all your girls and think about it all the time for weeks. And while it’s def a special moment for you, have you ever wondered what’s going through your boy’s head when he says it? We asked six guys how they felt (and how it all went down) when they first told a girl they loved her. Beware, major cuteness ahead! 

“We were walking into the movie theater, and she totally wiped out. She fell and skinned up her knee. and I thought she was going to cry, but instead she started laughing so hard. I couldn’t help but love her for her light heart and ability to laugh things off—so I told her right then and there.” – Sam T., 17

“My girl and I were watching a movie and I had been wanting to tell her I loved her all night, but I was too nervous. At the end she asked me how I liked the movie, and I just blurted it out. Kind of embarrassing, but she thought it was adorable.” – Michael R., 16

“She was staying with her aunt for a summer so we were doing the whole long-distance thing. I finally got the courage to give my “I love you” speech over the phone, and I recited it perfectly. Unfortunately we lost service without me knowing and she didn’t hear any of it… so I had to call her back and say it all over again. It wasn’t as good the second time.” – Ryan S., 15


“We went on a ski trip and she was on the lift passing above me as I was about to head down the hill. She looked so beautiful and happy, and I just screamed out ‘I love you’ up to her in front of everyone. Her face was priceless.” —Grayson F., 17

“I took her to her favorite restaurant and had the waiter bring out dessert with ‘I love you’ written on the plate. She didn’t realize it at first and just started eating the cheesecake. I had to stop her and point it out!” – Luke O., 18

“We were hiking and I knew she wanted me to say it, but I was so nervous. Finally when we reached an overlook, she asked me to just tell her because she wanted to hear it. I looked at her and yelled ‘I love you’ as loud as I could. It echoed for like 10 seconds, and she totally loved it.” – Brian K., 16 

Has a dude ever told you he loved you? What happened? We totally want to hear about it in the comments below!


by Brittany Goers | 2/1/2016