
Ask Cliff: Have you been playing by the rules?


Hey girls, again, thanks for continuing to tune in each week. Let's talk about rules. Is it cool to break them or play by them? 


Q: Do guys like it when girls “play by the rules”? 

A: Ok, so when I first read this question I wasn’t really sure how to approach it. When I read, “play by the rules” I didn’t know how to interpret it. Then I just took it as, do guys like it when a girl is well behaved and doesn’t do anything wrong. And the answer is yes and no. As guys, we don’t necessarily want a girl who goes out and purposely looks for trouble. Even if we did, you shouldn’t try to break the rules for us. And if there is a guy who is trying to make you break the rules, then you might need to break that relationship off. That’s not really cool for either a guy or a girl to do.

Yeah, I know I know, the bad girl and bad boy look looks appealing at times but isn’t really that cool in the long run because what you do can stay with you as you get older. However, don’t be afraid to go off book occasionally. And what I mean by that is that you shouldn’t always make decisions based on rules. Rules are made to be broken…to a certain extent. I’m not saying to ditch class everyday or skip on homework, because that’s just dumb.

Guys do want a good girl. We want that girl who is the brainiac in class but also knows how to have fun and let loose. I know for me, there were always the girls in school that were known as the party girls. They were the ones who partied nights on end. However, they were also the ones who didn’t quite make the same grades as the girls who decided to take a night off from partying to study. See, there’s gotta be a balance of things. I personally always had a strong connection with the girls in class who you would think don’t know anything else but their schoolbooks. These girls are always made out to be nerds, but they always drew me in. I thought it was cool how they could do great in school and also know how to have a good time. Remember, girls are sometimes there to keep us guys from breaking the rules! Bottom line, don’t break the rules to try and impress a guy. Know how to play by the rules but also have some fun. 

Have a guy Q for me? Share in the comments below! #GLgirl #askaguy     


by Cliff L. | 2/1/2016