
Ask Cliff: What to do if the guy you like moves away


Hey ladies, want to head into your weekend with some more dirt on dudes? Here's my little Easter egg for you...


What should you do if a guy you really like moved away?

Everyone is going to handle this particular situation differently. I think it all comes down to how much you like this person. If you have strong feelings, then you should say something to him—you don't want your feelings to go unheard. But if you've never even spoken to him (or didn't know him very well), you should just let it go. It doesn't make much sense to try to start something if he's leaving. If there is something special between the two of you, though, then that something special will be special anywhere, regardless of the distance. We're lucky enough to live in a day and age where technology allows us to see each other at all times of the day, anywhere on the planet. So if you like this boy, Skype him, text him, Facebook him...heck, you could even call him. You never know.  Maybe you'll see him again at some point down the road, and you don’t want to regret letting that relationship go because of a little separation. Basically, don’t get discouraged if someone you like (and have a connection with) has moved away. There are plenty of ways to stay close. 

Now that I think about it, I guess I was in a similar situation...except I was the one who moved away. I was out in LA last summer and I met this girl. I thought she was gorgeous, so I went up and started a conversation with her. We ended up exchanging numbers with each other. I assumed we'd never actually text, but…let's just say we ended up texting so much that I was thankful for my unlimited plan (my phone bill would have been through the roof). Here’s the thing, though: I ended up moving back to Maryland for school, and she stayed in LA. We went from being a few streets away from each other to being 3,000 miles away, but that didn’t stop us from staying close. We talked almost everyday to the point where it felt like we were together. 

Bottom line: If you guys like each other, there is no distance that will prevent you two from staying close (emotionally, at least).

Have a guy Q for me? Share in the comments below! #GLgirl #askaguy    


by Cliff L. | 2/1/2016