
Ask Cliff: What do boys actually like doing on dates?


Hey guys, hope everyone is having a good week. Do you ever wonder what guys actually like doing on dates? Well, this week I’m going to shed some light on that for ya. Read on!


Q: What do boys actually like doing on dates?

A: We all prefer and enjoy different things, but when it comes to dates I personally am just happy enough to be on a date with you! As cheesy as it sounds, spending time with your better half is the best part of any date, no matter what you're doing. That being said, there are of course certain things that guys will probably enjoy more than others. I'm easy to please, so it doesn’t take much for me to have a good time, but for me the classic dinner and a movie never fails. It's basically the dictionary definition of a date and people have being having fun with this combo for decades, so clearly it's not a bad option. Then again, if you’re looking for something a little different, there’s always go-carts, ice skating or hiking.

The best date for you and your guy all really depends on what the two of you like doing together. If you like to do different things, just make sure you take turns doing what the other enjoys. The cool thing about being with someone different than you is that you'll get to try things you would never have on your own. And honestly, sometimes the best dates are when things don't go according to plan. Believe it or not, but those are the ones that you will remember the most and look back on and laugh at.

For example, one time I took my ex-girlfriend on a date and decided to plan something out of the norm for us. I consider myself to be pretty adventurous and spontaneous, but my ex-girlfriend? Well, not so much. Instead of going to the mall (where I told her we were going), I ended up taking her hiking on this awesome trail in the woods. I might have lied a little bit, but I knew the best way to get her to give it a shot was to already be at the trails, and to her credit, instead of getting (too) mad she gave it a chance. The date could've gone all wrong, but because I convinced her to try something new and step outside of her comfort zone, she ended up really enjoying herself and we had a great time. Plus, she learned the difference between an acorn and a pinecone, which is always good. 

The bottom line is this: Don’t stress out too much worrying about if your boy is enjoying whatever you guys have planned. When it comes down to it, as long as you are together and enjoying each other’s company, what you are doing won’t really matter. 

 Have a guy Q for me? Share in the comments below! #GLgirl #askaguy


by Cliff L. | 2/1/2016