
Ask Cliff: How to tell if a boy likes you


Hey girls, this week we're tackling the oh-so confusing topic of trying to tell how a boy likes you. Guess what? It's not as tricky as you might think, especially once you start tuning in to the *little* things. Here's how to know if he's crushing (and why I once starred in a school play for a girl!).


Q: How can you tell if a boy likes you?

A: Believe me, if a guy wants you to know he likes you, then you will know he likes you. Even if he's not being obvious, a lot of the time you can figure it out on your own. It could be as simple as catching him looking back at you from across the lunch table or him responding to your text message before you can even put your phone down. Unfortunately, this isn't fool proof. There are some shy guys out there who'll take the secret of their crush on you to the grave – or at least your ten-year reunion (just kidding). The point is that even though they might not be as forward with their feelings, it doesn’t mean they aren’t there. If you want to get some insight on a guy, start to pay more attention to the little things rather than overthinking all of your interactions. For instance, notice if the guy is spending a lot of time with you or is around you a lot. This could be a hint that he likes you. I know from my own personal experience that if I liked a girl the last place I wanted to be was anywhere she wasn’t. When you like someone, you're going to want to be around that person, whether it's hanging out after school or just sitting near them during class. 

When I was younger I really liked this one girl, but it was difficult to run into her between classes – so I ended up joining the clubs that she was in. Not only did I get to spend time with her, but I also got to play the tree in one of the school plays. Talk about a win-win. It's fair to say that if you find a guy is paying you a lot of attention, he's probably into you. Granted, there are some guys who will be more subtle about their feelings, but if that's the case, you might want to let them come to you when they’re ready (alternatively, be the brave one and ask him out!). Bottom line, when you're trying to tell if a guy is into you, the best strategy is just to pay attention to his actions and the little things he does. 

Have a guy Q for me? Share in the comments below! #GLgirl #askaguy   


by Cliff L. | 2/1/2016