
Ask Cliff: Why do 1 out 4 teenage boys act like jerks?



Hey ladies, thanks for checking back in. I hope everyone’s week is going well. If you're wondering why the guy you thought liked you is now acting like a total jerk, read on. 

Q: Why do 1 out of 4 of teenage boys act like jerks?



A: Let's face it: sometimes we guys can be the worst. It's not always on purpose, but it happens. If you want to know why, though, it gets a little complicated. The thing is that most of the time boys act like jerks out of insecurity. They might be trying to be cool in front of their friends or maybe trying to impress you in a weird way – or they could just be in Slytherin (just kidding). Clueless guys may think that the bad boy thing still works, but if they do, don’t pay any attention to them. Pay more attention to those three out of four guys who aren’t rude and those behind the curve will take note.

I'll admit, there have been times when I have acted a certain way because I thought it would make me look cool, but actually it just turned girls away. When I was in middle school, there was this girl who I was crazy about, but she seemed to only go for not-so-nice guys (or at least that’s what I thought). I tried to stand out by acting like them, but I know now I would have gotten her attention in a better way by being myself. After getting shot down, I realized being harsh is not the way to impress a girl. Girls (and everyone, really) should be treated with nothing short of kindness at all times. So the lesson here is: don’t let jerks get to ya. In the long run, they are the ones missing out. If a guy's being rude, don't give him the time of day and keep your eye out for a dude who'll treat you right instead.

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by Cliff L. | 2/1/2016