
The craziest things guys have done for love


Love can make even the best of us go a little cray cray, but some people take it to the next level. And even though some of us may think boys aren't capable of doing something wild for the sake of love, these guys below share that is not always the case. We got five real dudes to spill some wacky stories of things they've done for love––and they'll totally tug at you’re heartstrings.

“I was dating this girl for a few months and she took a road trip to Florida last summer with her fam, which was 14 hours away from home. I texted her to see if she wanted company, and she replied "I would love that. Come!". I begged my parents to help me book a last-minute flight to see her (which I had to pay back at the end of the summer). 24 hours later, I arrived and got to spend the rest of vacation with her and her family on the beach. It was by far the craziest thing I have ever done, but I don't regret it one bit because we had such a good time in a short few days." ––Michael, 18

“When I was in 7th grade, I was so in love with this one girl in my class so I decided to write a letter to her professing my love for her. Mind you, we had not really spoken a whole lot, but we always caught eyes in class. I was secretly hoping she would feel the same way back. Valentines Day came around and I slipped the note into her locker. After gym class that day, she came to me, note in hand, and gave me a kiss on my cheek. I was so stoked, but I played it cool, of course." ––Scott, 15

“The girl I had a huge crush on had only ever dated athletes, and while I was on the golf team, I didn’t think it would be impressive enough to win her over. So I tried out for the football team, thinking that the varisty jackets and being at the Friday night games where she was a cheerleader would help me to catch her eye. Well, she was at the tryouts, and I did catch her eye––except it was because I made a fool of myself by missing every throw that came at me (hey, I was distracted!). Even though it was really embarrassing, we ended up talking afterwards. Maybe it’s because she felt bad for me, but she did agree to go out on a date with me! Who ever said making a fool out of yourself won’t get you the girl?” ––Mason, 16

“My friend and I were fighting over the same girl (stupid, I know), and decided that we would have a contest: whoever ate the whole pizza we were having for dinner the fastest, won and got the girl. I ended up getting so sick from all that cheese, but in the end I won and my friend had to deal with it. I asked her out Monday morning and she said YES! I was so so happy, but my buddy, who was also crushin' on her, was not." ––Ben, 17

“I was dating this girl for about five months, and had fallen for her hard. For our anniversarry, I knew I wasn’t going to be able to see her that whole week since I had to visit my grandma in another state with my fam. So I decided to have a friend help me send a gift to her house every single day until I could see her again. I sent her flowers one day, chocolates the other, and even a teddy bear that had a message on the last day (which she ended up loving). Thinking back, it was so crazy of me to do all that, but at the time, I just wanted her to know I was thinking of her." ––James, 15

So girlies, what’s the craziest thing YOU have ever done for love? Share in the comments below!


by Alexa Matthews | 2/1/2016