
The dos and don'ts of adding your crush on FB



Picture this: you've been crushin' on this guy for weeks. You compulsively check his Facebook every day, and you've been thisclose to friending him. The problem? You don't want to look like a stalker (even though–let's face it–you kinda are). While there are no official rules for FB friending, there are definitely some guidelines for when it is and isn't okay to click that little plus sign. Check 'em out below:

You’re in his class (and have been since pre-K): Maybe you've known who he is for years, but never really got the chance to connect. You might be inclined to add him just out of familiarity, but we don't recommend it unless you happen to be in a study group or other closer-knit environment together (otherwise it might seem random). 


You’re in the same group of friends: It is totally normal to add him if you are already friends with his friends. Having a friend request on FB with mutual friends seems less stalker-y (and will remind him that you exist). 

You met him at a party and friends introduced you: Tough one. Adding him right away could look a little clingy, but if you really hit it off, why not?

He held the cafeteria door for you: It is way too early to friend your crush if he just was, well, normal to you. It's a plus that he's a gentleman, but it doesn't mean you two are suddenly tight or that he wants to see all your selfies on FB. 

You’re scored his number and have been texting for a day: If he gave you his number, you're totally in the clear. Add away.

What's your rule of thumb when adding a guy on FB? Share in the comments below.  


by Kaleigh Sarber | 2/1/2016