
Dude decoder: What did his V-Day actions *really* mean?


So you and your crush totally had a moment this V-Day. But it was…weird. Maybe you tried to flirt with limited success or had a date that *seemed* awesome, but didn’t even get a hug goodbye. What gives? We asked our guy panel to provide a little insight into what your man may have been thinking. (Warning: it might not be what you want to hear!) 


1. You keep meeting his eye across the caf, but he never actually SAYS anything to you.

“He’s probably into you, but wants to play it cool so you don’t think he’s too desperate. Or he’s afraid he’ll say something corny or worried about what his boys think about you. Most likely, he’s scared of rejection and is kind of waiting for you to make the first move.” - Calvin, 16

“Maybe you just keep looking up at the same time. Don’t read too much into it.” – Ryan, 13

2. You gave him a totally cute Valentine (that you spent forevs on) and when you gave it to him, he acted super weird.

“He might not have been really expecting to get a Valentine’s Day card, so he could feel awkward and not know whether you like him or not. If he doesn’t feel the same way, he might feel weird getting the card, but if he does like you and didn’t get you a card, he might feel even worse.” – Brandon, 15

“He could just think it was a joke and not know if you were making fun of him.” – David, 14

3. He gave you an ultra-cute card (yes!). The down side? It says "Thanks for being a great friend."

“It’s hard to be confident enough that a girl likes you unless she straight-up says so, so for me, ‘Thanks for being a great friend’ would mean ‘I really like you, but in case you don’t like me back you won’t have to tell me.’ You know, just to keep things from getting uncomfortable.” –Martin, 16

“He could just think that you’re friends…” – Jack, 13

4. OMG! You went on a real date and it went amazingly, but at the end—not even a hug goodnight.

“He was probably just trying to play it cool and not be one of ‘those guys’ who go in for the kiss right away. Nothing personal, just trying to be respectful.” – Chris, 15

“Maybe he just doesn’t think it was that amazing.” – David, 14

5. You were trying to be extra flirty, but he just kept talking about how stupid he thinks V-Day is.

“I totally get this – everyone always talks up V-Day, but I think it’s kind of pointless. My parents always make me get gifts for everyone, and if I like someone I might try to make it nicer, but they might not even notice. I mean, what do guys really get out of all this? If he likes you, maybe he’ll show you another day.” – Chris, 15

“Maybe he isn’t comfortable exchanging gifts or doesn’t have the money to take you out, so even if he likes you he won’t say anything.” – Luke, 15


6. He was ultra-sweet to you all day and gave you a totally romantic card. You gushed to your bestie right away – and he had given her one too.

“If it were me, I probably would have given everyone a card. It’s more about how he gave the card and what was in it – if it was something that was hinting at something else, or if it was just generic, that makes a difference.” – Martin, 16

“He’s a player.” – Ryan, 13

Think our dudes got it right, or do they seem totally off-base? Did you have any weird run-ins with your crush this V-Day? Let us know in the comments!


by Kimberly Uslin | 2/1/2016