
Ask Cliff: GL's new male intern answers all your guy Qs

Hey girls, my name is Cliff and I'm one of GL's first-ever male interns. Each week, I'm going to be answering your questions about dudes, and give you a better idea of what is actually going on in the confusing heads of guys. Let's be real, boys can be difficult to read at times, but I'm here to give you some perspective.


Q: Why do dudes act like they like you and then don't the next week?

A: As young guys, we honestly don’t know what we want. One week we are into PacSun and the next week we are into Abercrombie & Fitch. School is like the candy aisle, there are so many options of candy (I know, I probably sound like a total jerk). One week we want a Snickers bar and then a Kit Kat the next. Some guys are just simply indecisive. Take me for instance, I will even change my outfit 13 times before deciding on the right one for a date. I kid you not, in middle school, I dated a girl from first period and was broken up with her by lunch. The following week, I was with a new girl (which only lasted until the end of the day). My point is, the feelings are probably still there even if we act differently a week later. So don’t worry about it, just because we don’t show the same amount of interest the next week, doesn’t mean we aren’t into you anymore. --Cliff 

Have a guy Q for me? Share in the comments below & check out our Ask Cliff Instagram post! #GLgirl #askaguy


by Cliff L. | 2/1/2016