
6 reasons it's cool to be the single girl of the group


We’ll be the first to admit that having a boyfriend can be super fun, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun without a boyfriend! When all the girls in your group are paired up and you’re stuck as the perpetual third wheel, it can get pretty annoying. Although there are times that you may wish you had a BF, being single is pretty awesome. Here are some reasons why it’s OK being the solo sistah of your pack. 

You have options

You can take “single and ready to mingle” to heart and get talking! When you have a boyfriend, you may feel restricted by who you should and shouldn’t talk to. When you’re single, you can walk right up to any cutie and get the conversation going. Even if you’re not looking for a relationship, it’s always fun to make new friends.

You save money

It’s no secret that when you’re in a relationship, it’s easier to spend money faster than you earn it. Whether it’s a dinner date or picking up a cute surprise gift that you know your boy will love, the cash seems to vanish right before your eyes. Single ladies can keep their money in the bank and save up for “me days” like a trip to the spa or mall.

You can Tweet freely

Tweeting is a very real thing and no matter what you might post, people always try to read into them. We’ve all seen our friends tweet something that indirectly relates to their boyfriend, which causes all sorts of gossip. When you’re single, you can tweet song lyrics just because you like them without having people grill you about who it’s really about.

You hold ultimate BFF status 

No BF? No problem. You can use your time to become the best BFF possible. Send them funny videos that remind you of them, ask them how they’re doing during the weekends, or just show up at their house with their fave ice cream flavor on a random Wednesday night. Not only will your friendship flourish, you’ll feel great, too!

You can tackle your bucket list faster

Is there something that you’ve always wanted to do? Now is your time to take charge of your life and do it! Get CPR certified, take a cooking class, or why not volunteer at the animal shelter. Use the time that others use to be with their BFs to do something for Y-O-U.

You’ve learned to be a better you

See the extra time you have as a blessing. Use this time to learn more about yourself and you’ll become even more confident in who you are more than ever before. After all, loving yourself should come before anything—whether you have a BF or not.


by Caitlin Moynihan | 2/1/2016