
Sent your crush an awk text? Here's how to play cool

OMG! I just sent my crush the most embarrassing pic ever! What should I do?

Hey girl! Sometimes that funny pic you meant to send to a BFF ends up going to the completely wrong person. If that ends up being the guy you’ve been crushing on, no fear! Check out these tips to know how to play this off like no biggie.

Telling the truth can always lift a weight off your shoulders. Just say, “ohmygosh! I totally meant to send that to (whoever), that’s so embarrassing you got it!” He’ll admire how honest you are, and just laugh it off along with you. If you make it seem like it’s totally not a big deal, he’ll definitely feel the same way. 

Don’t let him get too full of himself! If he asks you about it, play it off like you sent it to a whole bunch of people. “Oh, that random pic? I must have sent it to my whole contact list.” He doesn’t need to know that you’re freaking about sending it to him. Take control, he’ll notice your self-confidence.


by Chloe Feldberg | 2/1/2016