
Why is my BF so unromantic?


My boyfriend is really sweet but he doesn’t do anything. We’ve been going out for several months but he is shy and I’m the one who asks him to dances, movies, the roller rink, or anything like that. My best friend’s boyfriend does all of that plus gives her gifts for no reason and requests songs on the radio. Should I dump him?
Dear Why Have A Boyfriend?,

Some boys are more attentive, romantic, and talkative than others. You can break up if your romance isn’t all that fun. Or you can accept your shy guy as is. Or can you say, “I usually invite you out and I’d love it if you would invite me out.” Or you can get him talking with open-ended questions like, “What’s your all-time favorite movie?” Or “What were you for Halloween when you were little?” Or “ What are your grandparents like?” Or “Do you remember your dreams?” If you give your boyfriend a present (anything from a CD to a candy bar), he may reciprocate. But you know what? The feelings you exchange count more than the gifties.

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by Carol Weston | 2/1/2016