
Help! My dad is trying to set me up with a guy I don't like

Last summer I went out with a boy I worked with. I worked with my dad, and so did he. We went out on a couple dates during the summer, but I was ready to end it when school started. Problem is, my dad loves the guy. He keeps encouraging me to date him and take him up on his offer but I’m not really into him. How can I tell my dad to let me make my own choice about him?
Hey girlie, so sad to hear that your dad is pushing you into a relationship. You need to tell your dad exactly how you feel and why. First things first, think about why you don’t like the guy and write the reasons down. That way, when you approach your dad on the subject, you can tell him all the reasons you don’t want to or need to date your summer beau.
If you’re not sure what to say, think about things that are important to you. You may want to spend more time with family and friends, try another job or internship or just enjoy your summer freedom. No need for a boyfriend if you’re always on the go.
Telling your dad the truth can be scary, but it’s the only way for him to understand what you’re feeling. If you don’t like this guy because you don’t have much in common, tell your dad that—he should understand. If that doesn’t work out, keep standing your ground whenever he suggests setting you two up. You shouldn’t have to date anyone you don’t want to.

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by Sammi Parrish | 2/1/2016