When's the right time to spill your feelings?
Texts on texts on texts
So, if the guy you like texts you non-stop and it has become a pattern, take that as a hint that he is crushin’ on you. Even if the texts are silly and always start the same, like “Hey, What’s up?” at least he is making an effort and texting you first. If this is the case with you and your crush, it is time to let him know how you feel.
Rumor has it
Once you start hearing rumors that your crush likes you, it’s time to move in and take action. It’s very likely for all of your friends and your crushes friends to be gossiping over how you both like each other, but are afraid to admit it to one another. When this happens, just know that you should express how you feel to your crush and no matter what your friends have got your back.
Fills you with compliments
It makes you feel good when you compliment someone, right? So when your crush starts to give you compliments, you know he is on to something. A good way to start expressing how you feel about someone is to give him compliments, so be sure to give him some too
Touchy feely
POSTED IN guys, Dating, GL's best guy advice, how to get a BF, how to flirt, crush crash course, playing it cool