Should you stay with your BF over summer?
If… You’ve been with your current boyfriend for more than three months.
Keep him. No reason to cut it short if you two are on solid ground.
If… You’ve been together only for a hot second.
Test the waters. If you both like each other and make (and keep) plans to see each other, give it a shot. But if he starts flaking out and won’t bother to see you, that’s when it’s time to say see ya!
If… You both really like each other and hang out a lot.
Keep him. If it’s not broke, don’t break up.
If… You two are always arguing and can never, ever come to an agreement.
Dump him. That is, if you can’t work it out. You’d probs do the same even if it weren’t summer, right? Now’s your chance for a summer fling. Woo hoo!
If… Neither of you are going on long vacays.
Keep him. You’ll both likely be in town—and near each other—most of the time. Sweet!
If… You’re going to a month-long summer camp and you won’t see him for a while.
Play it by ear. If you’re both committed to each other, then it’s worth the wait. If it’s more of a fling, putting your relationship on pause and seeing where you two stand when you reunite might be your best bet.
POSTED IN summer, guys, Dating, GL's best guy advice, boyfriend Q & A, long distance love, summer, dealing with a breakup