I'm too pushy with guys. How can I dial that back?
Every time I have a crush, I sort of try to force my friendship on him. I don't mean to be pushy, it just sort of happens.
First and foremost, you’ve got the right idea, but you’re going all wrong about it. You are definitely to be commended for not being timid when it comes to talking to guys that you have the hots for. However, you should never force a friendship, especially on a guy that you’re crushing on.
By forcing yourself on the guy, you could be pushing him farther away from you. You also might be giving him the wrong impression about your feelings toward him and he may just keep you in the “friend” zone.
Try and get to know him, but allow the connection to happen at its own pace. Give your crush a chance to show you whether he likes you back the way that you like him. By doing this, you will also gain better foresight about whether he has an interest in you as more than just a friend.
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POSTED IN GL's best guy advice, how to flirt, crush crash course, guys, Dating, playing it cool