How to fix your favorite broken makeup palette
You've finally found an amazing eye shadow that you just can't stop using, and then...oh drop it. Your coveted gold pallete is now broken into a million pieces. So now what? Don't worry, babe. We've been there, done that. First off, take deep deep breaths...there's a solution!
What you'll need:
- Rubbing alcohol (at least 70%)
- Plastic wrap
- Eyeliner brush or any small tip brush
- Small spatula or butter knife
- Eye dropper
1. Start off by covering your makeup palette with a piece of plastic wrap.
2. Using the handle end of your eyeliner brush, smash the bigger pieces of makeup into smaller pieces. Be careful to not break them up into too small of pieces.
3. Remove the plastic wrap and begin to drop between 5-10 droppers (depending on the size) full of rubbing alcohol onto your palette. If you don't own an eyedropper poor rubbing alcohol into the cap of the bottle and slowly add 5-10 drops.
4. Once your palette has an elastic texture, begin to smooth it using your spatula or a butter knife.
5. Using your eyeliner brush smooth over the surface of your palette and press down.
6. Allow your palette to dry for at least 4 hours before you begin to use it again.
This how-to can be found at:
Have you ever shattered you fave gold shadow? How did you manage? Share in the comments.