Dear Carol
"Dear Carol, my friend brags too much!"
Dear Carol,
Every time my friend goes shopping, gets a haircut, loses weight or anything else, it makes me jealous. Our family doesn't have much money, and she constantly brags about shopping.
Dear Jealous,
There will always be girls out there who have more than you, and there will always be girls who have less—especially when you think about the wide world and not just your town or city. Try to stop focusing on this bragging girl and focus more on yourself. What do you enjoy doing? Petting your dog, going for a run, reading graphic novels, dancing, singing, playing guitar? Do you have a goal for yourself this school year? If you don't, would it help to have one? And by the way, people who brag are usually insecure. I mean, why is she trying so hard to make you jealous? Rise above it.
For more on Carol Weston, visit her website: or like her Facebook page. To order Carol's newest book, Speed of Life, click here.
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