Dear Carol
"Dear Carol, I need help losing weight"
Dear Carol,
I am perfectly miserable. I am 11 and I know I weigh too much for my age. I know I need to lose weight, but I can't.
Dear Fatty,
I'm sorry you're miserable and it's possible that you may always be fairly big...and, well, big deal. Accepting your own shape is a worthy goal. That said, you need to take care of your body so it can take care of you. Can you ask your parents to buy more fruit and less junk food? (If fudge isn't within reach, it won't tempt you.) Can you brush your teeth a lot? (The "just-brushed" feeling cuts down on your urge to snack.) This school year, do yourself a favor and drink water instead of soda. Stay active—go for a run, hike, play a sport, workout or just walk. Try my S rule, too: Cut down on sweets, seconds, sugar and snacks. Don't obsess or get on the diet roller coaster, but do aim to live healthy. Make this your turnaround year.
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