Dear Carol

"Dear Carol, I've been tearing my hair out..."

Dear Carol,
I pull my hair out and play with the strands between my fingers. I don't know why I do it, but it usually happens when I'm bored or stressed. I'm starting to get bald spots and I'm worried that my parents will send me to a therapist.
—Tearing My Hair Out

Dear Tearing My Hair Out,
You are not the only girl who does this. It even has a name—trichotillomania. There's no quick fix, but here are nine ideas: 1. Get a haircut, something short and stylish. 2. Avoid situations that lead to pulling. 3. Fight the impulse—you want to stop more than you want to pull. 4. Forgive yourself for being imperfect (nobody's perfect). 5. Don't hang out where you most often succumb to the habit. 6. Wear gloves. 7. Take up knitting, sketching or a craft to keep your hands busy. 8. Deal with stress and boredom with more exercise, more fun activities, more time outside. 9. Consider therapy—it can work wonders.

For more on Carol Weston, visit her website: or like her Facebook page. To order Carol's newest book, Speed of Life, click here.

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by Dear Carol | 2/26/2018