Dear Carol
"I stuffed my bra and people found out!"
Dear Carol,
Before school each day, I would put just a little bit more tissue in my bra. When it looked like I was truly developed, some tissues popped out, and now everyone knows I stuffed. The other day, a boy said, “I have a cold. Do you have a Kleenex?” and some girls laughed.
Dear Embarrassed,
That is definitely mortifying enough to be on the And How Was Your Day? Page. But this too shall pass. And guess what? Your classmates made fun of you because they are as self-conscious and insecure as you are. Will they mature emotionally? Yes. Will you mature physically? Yes. Will the waiting period be hard for everybody? Yes.
While it’s tough, try not to pay attention to the teasing because it will just show the jerky kids they succeeded in upsetting you. For now, work on accepting your own changing body. (Curvy girls complain, too.) Maybe you could get more involved in sports and dance—you might come to appreciate your body for what it does rather than how it looks.
For more on Carol Weston, visit her website: or like her Facebook page. To order Carol's newest book, Speed of Life, click here.
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POSTED IN Dear Carol